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Natural System / Magazines

We Are Biodiversity

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

This article was included in our Summer 2019 issue of Manomet Magazine. In March 1932, despite conservation efforts, “Booming Ben,” the single surviving...

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Natural System

Fall 2019 Banding Season, Week 6: September 16-20

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

Our first taste of fall arrived this week with cool mornings and temperatures in the lower 50s....

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Natural System / Newsletters

Advancing the science of shorebird recovery

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

Every two years, shorebird scientists and conservationists from throughout the Western Hemisphere gather to share results of their efforts to learn what limits...

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Natural System / Newsletters

Meet ‘the Birdnerd’

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, we’ll be sharing interviews with Manomet’s current and past staff, former interns, and Board members. We’re...

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In the News

At the Edge of a Warming World

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

The Boston Globe on the effects of climate change on Cape Cod. Manomet's Brad Winn, Alan Kniedel, and Trevor Lloyd-Evans share what's happening to...

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