In the News

At the Edge of a Warming World

The Manomet Team | September 27, 2019

The Boston Globe on the effects of climate change on Cape Cod. Manomet's Brad Winn, Alan Kniedel, and Trevor Lloyd-Evans share what's happening to...

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In the News

For the birds: Can humans turn empathy into solutions?

Danielle Sarmir | September 20, 2019

From The Christian Science Monitor: Still, there is hope, says Trevor Lloyd-Evans, director of the land-bird conservation program at the nonprofit Manomet in...

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In the News

Delaware Bay’s spring sex party

Danielle Sarmir | July 18, 2019

Laura Chamberlin, who works for a conservation group called the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, said the effects of horseshoe crab bleeding aren’t clear....

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In the News

Four Portland-area Hannaford stores are latest remodels in $100 million program

Danielle Sarmir | July 17, 2019

The stores are also certified through the Grocery Stewardship program run by Manomet, an environmental certification program designed to help stores, which are...

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In the News

Winged victory for shorebirds at Gould’s Inlet

The Manomet Team | July 10, 2019

“That’s a fish crow, flying in there,” said Abby Sterling, shorebird biologist with Manomet. “That’s one of the predators, so that’s one of...

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