With increased competition, low unemployment rates, and the gig economy creating a disadvantage for employers in the war for talent, what can a company do to attract and retain top talent?
This might not be a question you would expect Manomet to ask, but we ask it because of the answer: one thing that can give companies a significant competitive advantage is sustainability. A company’s environmental action, social responsibility, and workplace culture can be the deciding factors in what attracts employees to a company…and what makes them want to stay. In a recent study by Cone Communications, 87% of Millennials and 94% of Gen Z believe companies should help address social and environmental issues. Millennials are the first generation to see no distinction between their personal values and their work life…and Gen Z seems to be following suit.
On May 14, Manomet hosted a forum to focus on how to bridge your HR and sustainability departments to attract and retain both today’s younger talent and the growing number of values-driven employees. The forum was moderated by Nancy Stager, Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Charitable Giving, Eastern Bank, and Manomet’s Vice-chair of the Board. Elzan Godlewski, Assistant Vice President, State Street Corporation; Penny Billington Hunt, Relationship Manager for Community Development Lending, Eastern Bank; and Lane Jost, Environment and Americas Leader, PwC, shared how they approach and market their sustainability initiatives, use their sustainability to attract employees, and engage their workforce through Employee Resource Groups, among other topics.