Joining the team in 2014 as Manomet’s Director of Communications, Cheryl Botieri recently accepted a new position as Vice President of Mission Advancement. We interviewed her on why she loves Manomet and what guides her in her work.
How did you come to work at Manomet?
I was very fortunate to be in a place that I could be very selective about my next job. I knew it HAD to be in Plymouth, my hometown which I LOVE, and because I was caring for my ill father-in-law whom I adored. It HAD to be a nonprofit with a mission I could be passionate about. And it HAD to be a position where I could use my Communication and Fundraising passion and experience.
I had just accepted an Executive Director position at another local nonprofit—and had a final meeting to meet with the Board and Staff and then sign the contract. During the meeting I just knew that it was not going to be a good fit. So I recused myself and was not able to sign the contract.
I left the meeting discouraged; job searching is a ton of work! I called my husband to let him know I would be unemployed a bit longer and then said a prayer that I would find the right place. The VERY next day my phone beeped with another Indeed job posting… Director of Communications at Manomet!

This was it! I KNEW it! I HAD to get this job!!! I had such fond memories of visiting here as a child from Manomet Elementary School, then again with my children as they came on field trips. And I vividly remembered the awe I felt as a young child seeing a small bird and learned that it could fly all the way up to the top of the world! That day I learned that no matter where I was I was always connected to the world—and that if a small bird could go that far… anything is possible! This belief has stayed with me to this day.
I put together a communications plan integrated with fundraising strategies based on my “donor experience.” (I had made an online donation to see how the organization responded)—and let’s just say I KNEW I could help!
I went to the interview with my plan and an excel sheet. “That’s risky,” shared my husband. “Telling them all the ways they need to improve… not sure they will hire you!” Constance loved my excel sheet, John thought I was a good listener, and I got the job!
What do you like most about your job?
I LOVE what I do… working with people to make this world a better place! For some, that seems too lofty. For me, it is what drives me every day. I learned early on in life that building relationships is how I would survive and thrive… and I mean this quite literally. And when people come together and work together… “magic” happens. Working with people is how change happens. Both personally, professionally, in the community… in the WORLD!
What keeps you up at night?
This is one of my favorite questions to ask my staff and myself.

I was fortunate to have a great boss—Jim Bunnell, who often would ask this question to our staff team at the South Shore YMCA. At first we were hesitant to answer, and once he began sharing what kept him up at night it opened the door to really understanding what burdens, worries each of us was holding and so we worked harder to find solutions so we could sleep! This led us to build one of the BEST staff teams I have EVER worked on… so I have continued to ask this question to all of my teams since.
At work, it is usually around how I can’t seem to figure out a solution to a pressing goal or situation. Personally, it is worrying about something to do with one of our children, their partners, or another loved one. I get up in the wee hours and sit in “my chair” to think, ruminate and pray. Then I usually turn to one of the 10-12 books on my reading stand. The dark, quiet time to connect with my spiritual guidance and books often help point me in the right direction. However, sharing the worry with others always leads to a solution and that is our family motto, “There is ALWAYS a solution.” Here at Manomet, helping create solutions to sustain our world IS our mission.
How do you make decisions?
Gather facts, gather feedback, and if I am lucky, goosebumps!
What is your favorite book?
Tuesdays with Maurie. My son brought this book home in 10th grade and said, “Mom you have to read this book.” So I did, and have several times . . . and it has helped me to develop a daily practice of trying to see the cup as half-full every day.
What is your favorite quote?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou.