We See No Boundaries!

At Manomet Conservation Sciences, we see no boundaries separating the habitats that shorebirds use to survive. Shorebirds are among the most awe-inspiring travelers on the planet, navigating vast distances across continents with incredible precision. But these amazing birds face growing threats like habitat loss, climate change, and human disturbance.

There are no boundaries in our ability to work across the Western Hemisphere to reverse the decline of shorebirds. That’s why we have launched an ambitious initiative to reverse the decline of 9 flagship shorebird species that are powerful symbols of, endurance, connection, and a healthy planet. They’re a vital part of ecosystems across the Hemisphere, from wetlands in the High Andes to the grasslands of the North American prairies, and reliable indicators of ecosystem health.

There are no boundaries in what we can accomplish together to recover these birds. Protecting shorebirds means safeguarding not only their future but also the health of our planet’s ecosystems. Through this shorebird campaign, we’re rallying support to ensure these remarkable birds continue to inspire wonder for generations to come. Join us in making a difference—because healthy shorebirds mean a healthy planet.

Meet Manomet’s 9 Flagship Species here and join us on the journey to safeguard these amazing birds…

Our Flagship Species

  • American Oystercatcher

  • Ruddy Turnstone

  • Whimbrel

  • Buff-Breasted Sandpiper

  • Wilson's Phalarope

  • South American Endemics

    Andean Avocet, Diademed Sandpiper, Magellanic Plover, and Fuegian Snipe


SHOREBIRDS: Symbols of Hope, Endurance, and Connection

Bird migration is one of the greatest wonders of the natural world. Each bird’s journey is an incredible story of adaptation and stamina, refined over decades, to follow set routes (flyways) connecting breeding and wintering grounds as far apart as the Arctic Tundra and Tierra del Fuego. During these incredible journeys covering up to 22,000 miles, shorebirds face threats of predators, storms, human disturbance, and hunters.

In some cases, their journeys are becoming even more challenging if they arrive at stopover sites that have been impacted by either human use or climate change. With our “No Boundaries: The Magic and Wonder of Shorebirds”  campaign,  Manomet Conservation Sciences has committed to raising $4 million to help reverse the decline of these important shorebird species by September 30, 2027. We welcome your support to help make this fund a reality!


Join Us in Making a Difference

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) alerted the world to collapsing songbird and raptor populations caused by indiscriminate pesticide use. Sixty years later, a Manomet co-authored study has revealed that shorebird populations are suffering one of the most dramatic declines of any group of birds in the Americas, the result of habitat loss, disturbance, and climate change. And the declines are only getting worse, signaling the need for urgent conservation action.

Migratory shorebirds can be powerful symbols of hope, endurance, and connection. And they have inspired human cultures for millennia. They’re a vital part of ecosystems across the globe, from wetlands in the High Andes to the grasslands of the North American prairies, helping to keep nature in balance, and acting as sentinels of the health of the ecosystems on which they, and ultimately, we, depend.


Manomet Conservation Sciences has committed to raising $4 million to help reverse the decline of these important shorebird species by September 30, 2027.



SHOREBIRDS: Symbols of Hope, Endurance, and Connection

Research and Partnerships

Manomet’s shorebird research focuses on monitoring population trends, mapping migratory routes, and identifying critical breeding and stopover habitats for each species. We focus on key breeding areas in North America, as well as critical stopover sites across the Americas. Our comprehensive data collection allows us to understand where the birds are facing stressors, and inform policies and conservation practices across the Western Hemisphere.

Partnerships are critical to how we work. We work closely with local communities, governments, and international partners across the Americas to safeguard critical areas through land protection, habitat restoration, and sustainable management practices. We also form species-specific working groups with those who are also pursuing species conservation. It is only through close collaboration — where we share data and best practices — that we can we accomplish our aspirational goals.


Recovery is Possible

Manomet has been working with a network of partners to conduct the on-the-ground science to pinpoint the drivers of shorebird declines, and design and implement targeted conservation strategies to prevent downward trends. This approach works. We have had remarkable success in reversing the decline of the American Oystercatcher — targeted recovery efforts have seen the population of the East coast of the US rebound by 45%. There is hope: conservation works. We are now taking the successful oystercatcher model to scale. We have identified five additional long-distance shorebird species that have suffered significant population declines, in addition to four South American “endemics” that are similarly threatened.

We are committed to reversing the decline of these flagship species.
