Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16As scientists, we have a sort of crystal ball. It’s not magic. It’s math and physics. What math and physics tell us is that humans need to transform how we manage all the critical systems that support life on earth in the next two decades. The status quo is untenable. We will need to use resources differently if we want to maintain a good quality of life for ourselves and the next generation. We cannot continue to use the atmosphere as a free repository for our fossil fuel emissions. If we do, the atmosphere will cease to keep the earth within a “safe operating space.” It’s physics. We knew all this a century ago. And you’ve heard all this before. You don’t want another climate science lesson. You don’t want to talk about it. We’ve all talked enough. You want to get to work. That means putting the science we have to use. We have more than enough science now to know where we need to go. We just need to get on with it. At Manomet, we’re applying science and engaging people to transform four major systems: food, forest, natural, and economic. These systems have enormous implications for our future, and all life on earth. And they are systems we know something about at Manomet. But we don’t control any of these systems directly, so to transform them we have to create relationships with the people who do. Manomet makes it possible for the people who manage these systems to change them. The good news is that they want to change them, but they’re often so busy meeting the daily challenges of their business or job that they don’t have time to figure out how. That’s where Manomet comes in. We take complex science and package it in a way that’s easy to use. The managers of these systems might be dairy farmers, wildlife refuge managers, institutional investors, fishermen, small business owners, grocery store managers, foresters, hunt club owners—the list goes on. In every case we make it possible for these managers to make the world measurably more sustainable. What we find is that they feel better about themselves—they feel like they are finally making a meaningful difference for the future. Recently, a clam harvester who was helping Manomet teach the Georgetown, Maine, elementary kids how to install a soft-shell clam farm on the mud flats said, “I can’t remember the last time I felt this good about myself.” To transform these systems in the next two decades we’re going to have to engage more people—a lot more people. To do that Manomet establishes relationships built on trust and respect. No amount of money can buy trust and respect. However, when you work hard to earn it, anything is possible—even transforming the critical systems that support life on earth. Sincerely, John M. Hagan, Ph.D. Soaring Solutions. Grounded Science. Partnerships for Sustainability is published by Manomet, Inc. Correspondence may be sent to: Cheryl Botieri, Director 0f Communications P.O. Box 1770, Manomet, MA 02345 508-224-6521 ©2016 Manomet, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA using soy- based inks on SFI-certified recycled paper containing post- consumer fiber. 3 Flying Business Class 12 U360: Educating Students About Sustainability 7 Profiting with a Purpose C O N T E N T S A Letter from the President 2 | Manomet Partnerships for Sustainability • Spring / Summer 2016