Climate change is an urgent topic for science and society. To help students and communities learn and respond to the climate crisis, multiple strategies are needed. Our expert panel will lead a conversation about three strategies for engaging learning and teaching about climate change, as exemplified in selected Multiplex videos: [1] as part of the curriculum, [2] as a focus of citizen science, and [3] as part of the debate in communities at large about the reliability and meaning of emerging science.
This webinar is part of STEM for All Multiplex, the NSF-funded, free, interactive platform featuring over 1000 short videos that showcase federally funded projects aimed at transforming STEM and computer science learning.
Manomet’s Trevor Lloyd Evans joins TERC’s Brian Drayton, Moderator; Leigh Peake of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, in Portland, Maine; and Gilly Puttick, of TERC on the panel. Each of these panelists has been engaged in climate change education from more than one angle — informal education, community education, teacher learning, curriculum development, citizen science, and ecological research. We hope to have a conversation that moves past “what my project is doing,” to think about what each kind of effort might need (or learn) from the others, what the benefits and challenges might be, and what kinds of design (for materials, for projects, for research) might be possible.