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Contact Amy Suveg

Have you ever wondered how you can support your local birds? Join Wildlands Trust and Manomet Conservation Sciences this spring to learn carpentry skills while building homes for local birds in Southeast MA! This workshop will walk participants through how to make birdhouses suitable for tree swallows and bluebirds. Wildlands staff and volunteers will guide attendees through the entire process, including explanation of tools, materials and safety practices involved.

These birdhouses will be used to establish nesting grounds at D.W. Field Golf Course in Brockton, MA. Often thought of as just for recreation, golf courses don’t always get the credit they deserve as far as being suitable habitat for bluebirds and tree swallows. Their open landscapes and consistently mowed lawns, often adjacent to more wooded areas, are perfect for providing these birds with ample food availability as well as ideal nesting locations away from predators and direct sunlight. These boxes will be installed at the golf course in April and will be monitored throughout the spring and summer for years to come as they are used by resident Tree swallows and Bluebirds.

Cost is $25. Your cost of admission goes entirely towards purchase of the materials for the birdhouses and serves as a donation to our organization’s efforts at D.W. Field Park in Brockton.

Registration is required.


Did you know Manomet is a nonprofit organization that depends on the generosity of people like you? Supporting Manomet means reversing the decline of shorebirds from Alaska to the tip of Argentina, building resilient coastal communities, inspiring the next generation of conservationists, and so much more. Please consider donating today.