For 50 years Manomet has maintained a consistent spring and fall migration banding program with seasonal staff, interns and regular, experienced volunteers. The banding team operates 50 mist nets on the property surrounding the Manomet headquarters in southeastern Massachusetts. The nets are kept open for weekday daylight hours during the migration seasons. Banders walk the net routes once an hour, removing trapped birds and returning them to the banding lab where their species, age, sex, weight, and fat content are measured and recorded.


The resulting data improves our ability to understand and address the long-term population decline. Manomet scientists often collaborate with researchers at academic institutions to increase the analytical capability. Manomet scientists and banders host numerous school groups each season, teaching them about migratory birds and the impacts of climate change. More than a thousand visitors come through the program each year. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact Banding Director Trevor Lloyd-Evans (






Published Papers

Lloyd-Evans, T.L. and J.L. Atwood. 2004. 32 years of changes in passerine numbers during spring and fall migrations in coastal Massachusetts. Wilson Bull. 116:1-16


Miller-Rushing, A.J., T.L. Lloyd-Evans, R.B. Primack and P. Satzinger. 2008. Bird migration times, climate change and changing population sizes. Global Change Biology 14(9):1959-1972.


Recent Publications

Fall 2017 Banding Summary

Spring 2017 Banding Summary

Fall 2016 Banding Summary


Spring 2015 Banding Summary


Fall 2014 Banding Summary


Spring 2014 Banding Summary


Fall 2013 Banding Summary


Spring 2013 Banding Summary


Fall 2012 Banding Summary


Spring 2012 Banding Summary


Presentation: What’s Happening to Songbirds? 2012, Another 40-year glance



To view the full list of Landbird publications, click here.