Manomet is wrapping up another productive and successful fiscal year. We’re casting our nets further than ever and recruiting more partners to create a more sustainable future.





Our new Climate Lab program has trained its first 13 teachers, who can now share their knowledge with 500 students in their classrooms and in the field. The program gives students hands-on experience in measuring the impacts of climate change—helping them understand the importance of nature as they become the next generation of decision-makers.



Our Arctic researchers recently returned with 15 geolocators that were deployed last season on Semipalmated Sandpipers. The data being analyzed will help us better understand critical stopover and feeding grounds on their migrations. Data from the first geolocator revealed that the sandpiper had flown an extraordinary 3,300 miles nonstop from James Bay, Canada to the Orinoco Delta on the border of Venezuela and Guyana.


The Clear Water Carbon Fund continues to plant trees along deforested river banks, protecting clean water while absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Last spring, Manomet and our partners planted 1,800 trees to restore a retired sand pit in Harrison, Maine. That site will provide wildlife habitat and protect the water quality of the Crooked River. 


And the list goes on …. (click here to learn about our recent accomplishments).



You are a crucial part of our team!  None of this would be possible without the support of our donors. Your gifts fuel our innovation, research and outreach. You are critical to our scientific, collaborative approach. Together we’re helping communities, businesses, and government measurably improve their sustainability and solve complex natural resource challenges.


We are quickly approaching the end of our fiscal year on September 30th, and we must meet our annual fundraising goal. We are nearly 80% there-but we still need your help!


Please donate today! You can make an online donation by clicking here to support Manomet.


Thank you for your continued efforts to protect and conserve the natural resources vital to all of us.