
Clare Cunningham

Education Manager

The end of the school year saw a flurry of outreach and education at Manomet, serving (and inspiring) students of all ages. Manomet and our partners have been especially busy in our work with educators and community supporters in Brockton, Massachusetts. From the Brockton High School Envirothon Team  – which Manomet coaches in partnership with Wildlands Trust and Brockton High School  – to the kids at the Manthala George Jr. Elementary School, we saw an enthusiasm for learning and caring about our planet in a number of encouraging ways.


At the end of May, Brockton High School Envirothon students traveled to Wachusett Reservoir to present their current issue project to a panel of judges at the 2024 Massachusetts Envirothon Competition. This year, students focused on Clean Energy for a Sustainable Future within the City of Brockton. After having researched a number of different renewable energy sources throughout the year, their competition projects included a plan for Brockton to take advantage of paved areas within the city to develop solar arrays.

Envirothon competition presentation. Photo: Manomet/Clare Cunningham

Twenty-seven teams competed in five categories: Soils/Land Use, Aquatic Ecology, Wildlife, Forestry, and Current Environmental Issues. We had seven students competing in this year’s competition and had one team receive Honorable Mentions in both the Wildlife and Current Issue categories. The week after the competition, we were honored to welcome Brockton’s Mayor Robert Sullivan to Envirothon Club as he recognized six Brockton High School Envirothon team members with Mayoral citations for their outstanding accomplishments at this year’s competition coupled with their continued dedication to the environment.

Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan recognizes Environthon members for their outstanding work. Photos: Manomet/Clare Cunningham



Dr. Molly Jacobs, Manomet’s Vice President for Environmental Education and Outreach, gave the opening words for the George School Outdoor Learning Space celebration held last month. This is the first of three schools that Manomet is working with to create Outdoor Learning Spaces in the City of Brockton. Community partners and friends, families, and supporters of the Manthala George Jr. Elementary School came together to celebrate student work focused on community and climate resilience. We were honored to be joined by Senator Michael Brady, Representative Rita Mendes, and Superintendent Dr. James Cobbs on this special day.

Dr. Molly Jacobs addresses a group of Brockton residents and supporters assembled to celebrate the George School Outdoor Learning Space celebration. Photo: Manomet/Clare Cunningham

Also that month, volunteers alongside Manomet’s Education Manager Clare Cunningham came together to help clean up and rejuvenate the George School Outdoor Learning Space on Keep Brockton Beautiful Day. Volunteers donned gloves and a great attitude to help pick up trash around the school, spread wood chips in the garden, harvest and plant radishes, and spread gravel in the outdoor classroom space. Many enthusiastic hands do make light(er) work!

Keep Brockton Beautiful Day. Photo: Manomet/Clare Cunningham


What does it mean to “heat map” a place? Brockton second graders found out! Students used infrared thermometers to record the temperatures of different surfaces around the George School and then compiled their data to visualize how heat is distributed by adding stickers to a map of the school grounds. The areas that retained the most heat throughout the day were the two play areas built on recycled rubber. The surface temperatures of the play areas exceeded 120 degrees F during the warmest part of the day.

Kids are busy learning how to heat map their school. Photo: Manomet/Clare Cunningham

“Engaging kids in hands-on science projects like heat mapping in the city is an incredible way to ignite their curiosity and foster a love for learning. Not only do they gain practical skills and knowledge about their environment, but they also become empowered to make meaningful changes in their communities. It’s inspiring to see young minds at work, discovering the world around them and realizing their potential to impact the future positively,” says Clare Cunningham, Manomet’s Education Manager.