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Natural System

Fall 2020 Banding Season, Week 5: September 14—18

The Manomet Team | September 21, 2020

The maple leaves have just begun to change, and by the end of the week yellow leaves had covered some of the net...

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Natural System / Newsletters

Are you ready for Bird-A-Thon?

The Manomet Team | September 18, 2020

Bird-A-Thon is this weekend September 19-20! Are you ready? Your participation supports Manomet’s Landbird Conservation program and contributes valuable citizen science data to...

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Natural System / In the News

International teams search for species at Manomet Bird-A-Thon

The Manomet Team | September 18, 2020

The 42nd annual Bird-A-Thon by Manomet Inc. will pit bird watchers of a feather against one another. By Dave Kindy for WickedLocal/Old Colony...

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Scientific Papers

Assessing Intertidal Populations of the Invasive European Green Crab

The Manomet Team | September 18, 2020

Manomet’s intertidal green crab protocol, often conducted with students and citizen scientists, was recently published in the Journal for Visualized Experiments. This protocol...

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Forest System / Press Releases

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $11.1 Million in Climate Change Funding to Cities and Towns

The Manomet Team | September 16, 2020

Manomet is part of the teams awarded the Assawompset Ponds and Plympton action grants. 89% of Communities Participating in Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program...

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