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Natural System / Newsletters

Massachusetts Young Birders Club takes flight

The Manomet Team | February 26, 2021

The Massachusetts Young Birders Club...

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Natural System

Women in Science: Meet Salvadora Morales

The Manomet Team | February 26, 2021

By Danielle Smaha Manomet has a long history of embracing the role of women and girls in science, starting with our founder Kathleen...

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Natural System / Newsletters

Kansas: The Heart of the Central Flyway

The Manomet Team | February 26, 2021

But at the heart of the Central Flyway, Kansas is a linchpin...

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Natural System / Scientific Papers

Tracking Movements of Migratory Shorebirds in the U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Region

The Manomet Team | February 1, 2021

Manomet science staff contributed findings to a recently published regional assessment of shorebird movements in the Northeast. These data will help determine the...

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Forest System / Newsletters

Tools for monitoring climate change on commercial timberlands

The Manomet Team | January 29, 2021

Climate change presents forest managers with some significant challenges. Climate-related impacts that are already becoming evident range from drought-induced forest mortality in some...

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