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50th Annual MBO Christmas Bird Count Results

The Manomet Team | January 12, 2024

To celebrate the 50th consecutive year (1974 – 2023) of the Plymouth Christmas Bird Count (CBC),  we bundled up on December 27th and...

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Fall 2023 Magazine / News

Tricky Shorebird ID Tips

Lisa Schibley | January 1, 2024

The Black-bellied Plover (BBPL) and American Golden-Plover (AMGP) can be tricky to distinguish. Here are some pointers to help out! In all plumages,...

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Citizen Science Discoveries: Shorebirds at Ribanceira Beach

Lisa Schibley | December 26, 2023

We are excited to highlight a significant publication based on research conducted by ISS citizen scientists on Ribanceira Beach, located in the Right...

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Fall 2023 Magazine / Magazines

Manomet’s First Massachusetts Shorebird Blitz

The Manomet Team | December 21, 2023

One, two, three…go and count those shorebirds! That race-like tenor of excitement buzzed through many of us as we launched the Manomet’s first...

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Technical Report

Mapping Access to the Intertidal in Six Towns in Casco Bay

The Manomet Team | December 20, 2023

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