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Summerfest 2016—Next Generation Shares Mission in Action

The Manomet Team | June 23, 2016

On June 16, 2016, Manomet Trustees, Councilors, special supporters, and staff gathered for a festive evening of stories from Manomet’s next generation of...

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Science, Education, and Accessibility for all

The Manomet Team | June 23, 2016

With shovels in hand, Trevor Lloyd-Evans, Director of Landbird Conservation; Paddy Wade, Manomet Trustee; and Deb Harrison, Manomet Councilor, stood in front of...

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The Value of Improving the Management of Working Forests

The Manomet Team | June 23, 2016

By Manomet President John Hagan   As human populations increase, we’ll rely on forests more than ever. Forests filter our air and water; support...

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Carbon Markets and Forests: What Does the Future Hold?

The Manomet Team | June 23, 2016

Global efforts to reduce carbon emissions are ramping up and carbon markets will likely play an increasingly important role in limiting warming to...

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Spring Banding Finishes Strong, Hummingbirds Show Conflicting Trends

The Manomet Team | June 23, 2016

The 2016 spring banding season finished on Wednesday, June 15 with an impressive 1,362 new birds banded—surpassing the ten-year average of 1,206 new...

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