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Community Engagement Kicks Off at a New WHSRN Site in Washington State, USA

The Manomet Team | May 24, 2017

Each year over 200,000 shorebirds make a stop at Willapa Bay in Washington State, the second largest estuary on the USA’s Pacific Coast....

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University of Vermont Student Wins Manomet’s First Next Generation Award and Scholarship

The Manomet Team | May 24, 2017

Today’s college students are tomorrow’s managers of our businesses, households, nonprofits, and communities.  They will soon be making decisions that affect our world’s...

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Natural System / Newsletters

Epic week at the banding lab!

The Manomet Team | May 24, 2017

Our banders can typically expect one day per spring to be exceptionally busier than the rest. This is a day when the weather...

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Gypsy Moth 2017 Forecast

The Manomet Team | May 24, 2017

The severity of the 2016 Gypsy Moth outbreak in southern New England has many landowners on edge as they anticipate another season of...

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Natural System / Scientific Papers

Migratory connectivity of Semipalmated Sandpipers and implications for conservation

The Manomet Team | May 20, 2017

Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) populations have undergone significant declines at core nonbreeding sites in northeastern South America. Breeding populations have also declined in...

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