
All News


Weis Markets Enrolls 165 Stores in Grocery Stewardship Certification

The Manomet Team | March 12, 2014

The Manomet Center announced today that Weis Markets, Inc. has enrolled all of its 165 stores in Manomet's Grocery Stewardship Certification sustainability program....

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An Early American Oystercatcher Arrives on Nantucket

The Manomet Team | March 6, 2014

By American Oystercatcher Recovery Campaign Coordinator Shiloh Schulte   The first American Oystercatcher of the season on Nantucket was reported last week by...

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Press Releases

Manomet Center Names Director of Major Hemispheric Shorebird Network

The Manomet Team | March 4, 2014

The Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences has named Dr. Rob Clay as the new director of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)...

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Press Releases

Centro Manomet anuncia nuevo Director de la Red Hemisférica de Reservas para Aves Playeras

The Manomet Team | March 4, 2014

El Centro Manomet para las Ciencias de la Conservación ha nombrado al Dr. Rob Clay como nuevo Director de la Oficina Ejecutiva de...

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