Lisa joined the Shorebird Recovery Program at Manomet in 2008 and is responsible for a number of technical tasks in support of its mission. First, as a program associate, she maintained the WHSRN website, database, and social media outlets; developed and maintained the Site Assessment Tool database; created species- and site-based conservation mapping tools; provided shorebird data for WHSRN partners, and developed methods for using data in the strategies and action plans that WHSRN implements.
Currently, as the North American coordinator for the International Shorebird Survey, she develops and maintains the online ISS mapping tool, creates reports for Manomet scientists and partners, recruits and engages ISS volunteers through social media and newsletters, and finds creative ways to tell shorebird stories using ISS data.
Lisa holds an M.S. in Physics from the University of Arizona, and her background is in numerical analysis. After graduating with her M.S., she did data and image analysis on LIDAR systems for Arete Associates before helping to start a business with her future husband doing numerical analysis on ratings and viewing habits in public television.
Lisa is an avid birder. While living in Arizona, she coordinated the Tucson Christmas Bird Count and led field trips for the Tucson Audubon Society. She currently leads trips for the South Shore Bird Club.
She is based at Manomet’s headquarters in Manomet, Massachusetts, where she works part-time with full-time dedication.