
Abby Sterling

Shorebird Biologist

Beaches all along the Eastern Seaboard, including Georgia, provide fun and recreation for humans and serve as valuable habitat for shorebirds and other wildlife.

Abby Sterling, Manomet’s shorebird biologist for the Georgia Bight Shorebird Conservation Initiative, will give you an in-depth look at the role beaches play as habitat for shorebirds in a webinar on Monday, August 31 at 3:00 p.m. Catherine Ridley, Project Coordinator for the St. Simons Island Sea Turtle Project and VP of Education and Communications for One Hundred Miles, will join Abby to discuss the importance of our beaches for nesting sea turtles.

For many wildlife species, Georgia’s beaches provide exceptional habitat. But, many of the animals that rely on this important landscape are exhibiting population declines. Shorebirds and sea turtles are two prominent species that come to mind when we think about protecting beach habitat.

During the spring and summer, nesting shorebirds such as Wilson’s Plovers and American Oystercatchers rely on these beaches as well. And, throughout fall and spring migrations, Canadian and Alaskan nesting shorebirds such as the Short-billed Dowitcher, Red Knot, Semipalmated Plover, and Black-bellied Plover use the region to rest and replenish themselves on the rich, abundant foods. This region is equally critical for shorebirds that spend the winter, including the Great Lakes breeding population of the Piping Plover and the American Oystercatcher.

Despite the idyllic setting, these birds face numerous challenges throughout the year that can reduce their chance for survival, including human disturbance, disturbance from dogs, and loss of habitat due to development. Understanding how beaches in Georgia and beyond provide a safe place for wildlife and learning how we can be better hosts to shorebirds, sea turtles, and other wildlife can have meaningful impacts on recovering threatened populations.

Join us for this informative webinar and learn how to make your local beaches safer for shorebirds!

If you have any questions about this program, contact Danielle Smaha, Director of Marketing and Communications, at