Climate change is impacting every aspect of our natural, social, and economic systems. By embedding climate science into every facet of our work, Manomet can scale impact to combat climate change more effectively.
Through our scientific research and monitoring, we hold vast data on climate-induced changes in migratory birds and their habitat. We have analyzed some of the most important potential impacts of a changing climate on shorebird populations, like changes in the timing of food source availability. We have conducted modeling and mapping in coastal watersheds to help communities and municipalities make sound decisions to navigate increased precipitation events and rising waters. (Header image: The Gulf of Maine is one of the fastest-warming bodies of water on the planet, leading to big changes in the marine environment and a changing mix of species that survive and thrive.)

Forests & Agriculture
Manomet has established itself as a key source for information on climate change with the forestry industry and hopes to deepen partnerships with the agricultural sector. Manomet’s work in forestry has had a northern New England touchpoint since 1993, and more 30% of forest professionals look to Manomet as a key source of forest information. Manomet has led the Climate Smart Land Network (CSLN) for more than a decade, working with forest companies to make decisions to optimize the performance of forests in light of a changing climate. The CSLN synthesizes climate science for forest landowners, influencing the management of tens of millions of acres in North America. By providing climate science in a user-friendly format, we’re helping the forest industry become a climate leader.
Given that severe climate-related events continue in frequency and that agriculture is both impacted by climate and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), Manomet will grow the CSLN to help agricultural land managers navigate decisions to optimize habitat diversity and ecosystem health in light of a changing climate. By improving forest and agriculture management, we will increase habitat suitability for birds, promote coastal ecosystem health, create new opportunities for climate mitigation, and adapt ecosystems to a changing climate.

Climate change drives all the work we do in the Gulf of Maine, as we strive to understand the population trends of marine species impacted by unprecedented warming of these waters. Understanding this dynamic is paramount for local communities and decision-makers
to manage fisheries resources and build resilience. We will ensure that climate change and its communication is incorporated into monitoring and research findings. And, we will incorporate climate adaptation and mitigation strategies into all of our site conservation and management plans.
We aim to inspire, mentor, and guide educators and students both in and out of the classroom to create the next generation of informed citizens and future conservationists. The climate crisis will disproportionately impact Millennials and Gen Z, yet they have little or no power to make decisions and create solutions today that will most affect their futures. By giving today’s youngest adults practical sustainability knowledge coupled with professional and interpersonal skills, Manomet’s U360 program helps these individuals gain agency over their futures and become active and effective change-makers.