Last month, an anonymous donor and former intern helped Manomet launch a matching gift challenge that could provide the Shorebird Recovery Program with up to $10,000. Through this challenge, every dollar Manomet receives from new donors from now until October 31st will be matched by our generous donor with a gift to Manomet’s Shorebird Recovery Program


In essence, when you join Manomet today, you can support both the annual fund and shorebird recovery efforts with just one donation! 


Plus, our donor has offered to send new members giving $50 or more a free copy of the “Epic Journeys” DVD.  This beautiful and informative 34-minute film features three shorebird species. The film explains conservation issues faced by the Red Knot, Piping Plover, and Semipalmated Sandpiper through interviews with shorebird experts. Film locations include Delaware Bay in New Jersey, beaches in Massachusetts, and the Bay of Fundy in Canada.


Current members who want to be a part of this exciting challenge can give a new gift membership to friends and family. Not only will your gift be matched, but BOTH you and your friend will receive the DVD.


This challenge will match dollar for dollar any new member donations or gift memberships made between September 12, 2014 and October 31, 2014 – up to $10,000!  This is a wonderful opportunity to double your giving power and support both Manomet’s annual fund and shorebird recovery efforts across the Western Hemisphere.



  • To make a new member donation, choose “New Membership” in the Gift Designation dropdown box.
  • To give a new gift membership, choose “Gift Membership” in the Gift Designation dropdown box
  • To send in your donation with a check, please fill out this form.